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Courses and educational activities

Projects offered to students at our college

We offer each student a personal educational project, which includes the possibility of choosing an integrative learning pathway, consisting of in-house courses, debates, seminars and tutoring meetings.

To maintain merit requirements, students are required to participate in supplementary education activities for a total of 50 hours per year, in case of students in bachelor’s degree programs or for the first 3 years of single-cycle master’s degree programs, or 15 hours per year, in case of students in master’s degree programs or for years after the 3rd year of single-cycle master’s degree programs. This commitment ensures continuous skill development and active participation in academic life.

The courses, organized exclusively for our students and often based on their proposals, ensure a tailor-made educational offering. Each academic year, the College offers a wide choice of in-house courses covering different fields, aimed not only at providing specialized knowledge, but also at enhancing soft skills essential for professional and personal success.

The following courses were activated in A.Y. 2023/24:
Personal Development

Personal Development Planning/Careers (Under Graduates)

Personal Development Planning (Post Graduates)

Metodi e Tecniche delle Attività Sportive

Teoria e Strategie degli Sport di squadra

Computer Studies

Corso di Web Design

Corso di LaTeX

Corso di Computer Coding

Corso di MatLab

Philosophy and Social Sciences

Corso di Public Health Ethics

Corso di Psicologia

Language Studies

Corso di Lingua Inglese (B1/B2 – C1/C2)

Corso di Lingua Tedesca (A1/A2)

Corso di Lingua Francese (A1/A2)

Corso di Lingua Italiana (A1/A2)

In-depth Tutoring

Artificial Intelligence

Origin of the Universe

Quantum Computing

Cancer Immunity

Support Tutoring

Tutoring for freshmen and first-year students: offered by senior students in all disciplines. This service, available throughout the academic year, provides individual and small group sessions with the goal of supporting students in learning and study management, aiming at improving their academic performance.

500115. Analisi Matematica 1

500205. Algebra Lineare

509477. Computer Programming, Algorithms…

509478. Knowledge Repesentation and Reasoning

500202. Algebra 1

500655. Fondamenti di Informatica

501080. Fisica 1

500172. Chimica Generale e Inorganica

500174. Stechiometria e Lab di Chimica

500177. Chimica Organica e Laboratorio

502127. Chimica Organica 2

500191. Biochimica

500161. Anatomia Umana

500312. Fisiologia Umana